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The package provides utilities to work with the initialization data of Telegram Mini Apps. To learn more about the initialization data and its usage, please refer to the documentation.


go get
go get


If the expiration time is set to 0, the function will skip the expiration time check. However, it is recommended to specify a non-zero value, as this check is considered important in preventing the usage of old stolen initialization data.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Init data in raw format.
	initData := "query_id=AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc&..."

	// Telegram Bot secret key.
	token := "627618978:amnnncjocxKJf"

	// Define how long since init data generation date init data is valid.
	expIn := 24 * time.Hour

	// Will return error in case, init data is invalid. To see,
	// which error could be returned, see errors.go file.
	fmt.Println(initdata.Validate(initData, token, expIn))
package main

import (

func main() {
	// Init data in raw format.
	initData := "query_id=AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc&..."

	// Telegram Bot secret key.
	token := "627618978:amnnncjocxKJf"

	// Define how long since init data generation date init data is valid.
	expIn := 24 * time.Hour

	// Will return error in case, init data is invalid. To see,
	// which error could be returned, see errors.go file.
	fmt.Println(initdata.Validate(initData, token, expIn))


It is important to note that the Parse function does not perform the same checks as the Validate function. Therefore, this function solely parses incoming data without conducting validations for the hash or expiration time.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Init data in raw format.
	initData := "query_id=AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc&..."
	// Will return 2 values.
	// 1. Pointer to InitData in case, passed data has correct format.
	// 2. Error in case, something is wrong. 
package main

import (

func main() {
	// Init data in raw format.
	initData := "query_id=AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc&..."
	// Will return 2 values.
	// 1. Pointer to InitData in case, passed data has correct format.
	// 2. Error in case, something is wrong. 


The functions that sign data remove parameters such as hash and auth_date since it is assumed that the hash will be returned by the function and the auth_date will be set by the function itself.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Init data in raw format.
	initData := "query_id=AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc&..."

	// Telegram Bot secret key.
	token := "627618978:amnnncjocxKJf"

	// Signing timestamp.
	authDate := time.Now()

	// The first value is parameters sign result ("hash" init data property).
	// The second one is error which could occur while parsing query string as
	// query parameters.
	fmt.Println(initdata.SignQueryString(initData, token, authDate))
	// or
		"query_id": "AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc",
		// ...
	}, token, authDate))
package main

import (

func main() {
	// Init data in raw format.
	initData := "query_id=AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc&..."

	// Telegram Bot secret key.
	token := "627618978:amnnncjocxKJf"

	// Signing timestamp.
	authDate := time.Now()

	// The first value is parameters sign result ("hash" init data property).
	// The second one is error which could occur while parsing query string as
	// query parameters.
	fmt.Println(initdata.SignQueryString(initData, token, authDate))
	// or
		"query_id": "AAHdF6IQAAAAAN0XohDhrOrc",
		// ...
	}, token, authDate))


To see GoDoc documentation, visit this link.

Released under the MIT License.